Yes He is love and it's true 'Jesus' name ultimately was Yashua the moment it was first spoken by the angel Gabriel to Miriam and in a vision to Yoseph...
From the New Covenant book MattitYahu (Matthew 1:20-21) -> 20 But after he had considered this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, “Yoseph son of David, do not be afraid to take Miriam home as your wife, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. 21 She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Yashua, because He will save His people from their sins.”
His 'true name" means the hand of salvation: He wants to save all of us!
Are you ready for the truth? Can you handle the truth? This is a serious matter... He is real and His name matters more than you know. Yes, what I am about to tell you is fact.... Prepare your heart for information about the name of our King... Do you love Him? Would you give your life to Him? Die like an apostle for Him? Then get ready to be disciplined as a disciple of our Messiah, Master, Creator and King.
If you were saved in the name of Jesus and your Bible tells you "Jesus" is the name above all names.
"Jesus" was not the name spoken of at that time (When He walked the Earth).
The one you have been calling "Jesus" does not add up to a word or name in Hebrew...
"Je" the first two letters of the name Jesus would of been a "Ya" when He was present on Earth... as "J" did not exist at the time. The word"sus" (pronounced soos) is a word in Hebrew and it means "horse". Why horse? Horses can not save us! But a half man half horse (centaur) was a symbol of a Greek Hellenist Deity (Zeus) during the Seleucid Dynasty 312 B.C. to 63 B.C. that was erected in the temple of the Yahudym (Jews) after the Seleucid Empire overtook the Hebrew temple in Yerusalem prior to the Maccabean revolt 167 - 160 B.C. and his name was Zeus. Sickening the Yahudym...
So the beings that propagated Zeus (Greeks) translated Ya-shua (Shua means salvation) to "Ye-soos" or "hi-Zeus" ('Ye' a transliteration of YAH in Greek "Γεια" is the sound for 'hi' or 'hello') adding to their pantheon of deities just another form of Zeus to them. Later this Yesoos became Jesoos when the "J" came into existence in the mid 1400's.
Hence Yashua sadly became Jesus!
Please, I know it's not easy for any lover of 'Jesus' to learn here but it's TRUE! Trust me, He's got my six (back). I know you want to raise your children in the truth... I am helping the one you call Jesus do this.... Restore His true name.
He (Our King) sent me His messenger to do so.: RESTORE MY NAME YASHUA OVER ALL THE EARTH!
Really if you study and apply the principals of prayer you will find there has been a pagan false deity war since the founding of the planet and those bent on destroying all things Yashua are to blame here. Please do not take the blame here just do all you can to restore.
MattithYahu (Matthew) 1:21 Where a messenger appeared to Yoseph (Earthly Father of Yashua) in a dream and said: "......You shall call His name Yashua for He shall save His people from their sins." (<<< As His true name has always written in the original Hebrew Script.)
Look at an Aramaic (Babylonian captivity letter fonts) Hebrew copy of the first verse of the book of Matthew in the New Covenant below: Do you see the name of The Son in the red circle below? Four letters and this spells 'Yah-shua' not 'Yeh-shua'. As for the right pronunciation? Like the sound at the end of the Hebrew word for highest praise - hallelu'yah'. The first part of His name is not pronounced Yeh but Yah. Do not just accept this site information, ask of Him directly: Pray! It's a matter of knowing Him. Asking in prayer and letting Him teach your soul is how to be a good student of His word. Teaching all of us 'is' His favorite of all jobs. He is the great rabboni (rabi)... thee one true master teacher of all!
Learn of His loving name YaShUA and be blessed!
So Yoseph called Him "Yashua" when He was born. (citing: "Messenger of the Throne Room" circa: 2007)
Will you help Him restore His name? HLLUYH to KING YASHUA!
So that is my mission and the mission of this website to inform you and the world about the actual identity and utmost important name above all names... Yashua. His name never was, is not and never will be Jesus. It seems many have accepted this "mis-translation", "mis-nomer" or 'nic-name" as His own. It is not your fault, do not blame yourself. We have to go back in time to find out why... Scripture was first written in Hebrew by the Hebrew peoples and it was very exact. Not one letter or word could be out of place or the scribes and copyists would discard the entire page of text based on a letter per letter and line per line page count. If the number of the copy did not add up to the page it was copied from it was discarded. (citing: Book: Yeshua by: Yacov Rambsel)
NOTE: Yacov calls Him 'Ye-shua'. His name is said 'Ya-shua'. There is a difference. Pray and ask The King with a humble repentant heart yourself! It does matter to the King. Will YOU help Him restore His name? HLLUYH to KING YASHUA!
This site is here to make this restoration simple to understand... easy to comprehend.
The job of making it easier for you to get to know a being you have never met in the flesh has been given to all those that believe in Him. To help portray Him to the everyday people you meet and to be true to, The Savior, in the only format that most people get to know Him in... The Written Word, is the task at hand. It's the desire of the author of this site and the book: The House of Salvation "Why are people calling Jesus Yashua?" to goad you to delve deeper into your heart to give you the impetus to "know" The Great Being commonly called Jehovah and Jesus (Yahuah and Yashua respectively) and known by many other names in many other countries. Realizing They are real and 'They' (Creator ELOHIM) are "our" fate as tribes of people, lands, countries and cultures .... begin to wake up to the fact of Creator and who "Creator" actually is. The Son is Yashua one-third of Creator.
Let me introduce you to the family:
Creator: Alhym (Elohim) said el-o-heem: Commonly called "God". The Father: His name is Yahuah (YHUH) said ya-hoo-ah (Yod-Heh-Waw-Heh in Hebrew). The Son: His name is Yashua (Yod-Shin-Waw-Ayin in Hebrew): Commonly called "Jesus". The Spirit: Is called Ruawk (Reysh-Waw-Kheth in Hebrew) Said roo-awk. Ruawk is also a feminine word in Hebrew.
That is the family of Creator Alhym and A-L-H-Y-M Eloheem is one.
I know you may have many questions but here I am praying for you to receive the truth and facts of Scripture and that we are created beings and in the writings of original Scripture it is provable. Just give me a chance to explain. As I introduce you to The Father, The Son and Rooawk... whom you probably know as Spirit.
The names are the key to restoration: If Joseph's and Mary's Hebrew names were Yoseph and Miriam respectively. Then why does Yashua's name end up being translated as Jesus?
Yoseph = Joseph ? Ok. Similar! Miriam = Mary ? Ok. Similar! Yashua = Jesus ? Not Ok! Not similar!
Why not leave each name exactly as they were? If you are translating to the Greek, The Greek is very capable of this. As well as the English language it is very capable of restoring our Saviors name to it's rightful place in our restoration of Scripture. Let us restore His name and replace it as it should sit... I know YOU still see it as 'Jesus' in your HOLY BIBLES. Know the King told me to tell the world to restore His name... re-write it as Yashua.
Was I an atheist? Yes!
I was an atheist... a very staunch serious non believer. Who would rather sit around with the likes of Richard Dawkins and watch him tear into the religious believers... poking fun at their so-called intellects or the religious people who would gather on TV with Bill Maher on The Bill Maher Show. Watching Bill tear into (What I thought at the time) fragile fake religious ideas as though they were paper dolls to be tossed around by the real intellectual want to be brainiacs. Those Religious rag dolls of infinitesimal simpleness that furthered my old atheistic adherent self into the man made humanist mindset I used to have in my past. Atheism of my own gloating and self absorbed fleshy hedonistic vacuum. I felt part of this cult like, agnostic, social media frenzy that jumps into your head evil eye first without any true rationalization. A leap that is actually less rationalistic and more emotional than true science should be.
How to love, learn, grow, and become true to actual science (In depth knowledge of a particular subject) in this case being The Holy Bible and is there any actual Science in The Holy Bible in question? I thought at first... What kind of knowledge can man pilfer from other men... ? None! Since I had it set in my mind that only "men" wrote The Holy Bible... how can they make any greater knowledge than what I could learn at any college? If it's just a man made story to control the masses and turn the people of this planet into money issuing lemmings to feed the pastoral money pit of wealthy hypocrites of televangelism? Then how can I learn anything from this sick machine called religion... from the buddhists to the Hindus to the tribal religions of Africa or the natives of North or South America... the whole Planet is full of thousands of religions that anyone can make up at any time and many have made them up. So this was what 7 men set off to try to get me to believe... to prove to me this religious booklet of stories penned by many different authors over thousands of years is real? One giant cohesive God message to mankind? Really? As I squinted from what I thought was my "great mind" into a gigantic idiocy....... I was about to be humbled. ...
Can we learn? Can there be teaching? Is there real information in the pages of The Holy Bible?
Finally! Yes! We can learn...? Yes! There is real information in the pages of The Bible, and as this favorite subject, to consider this whole subject with clear eyes... eyes that refract the light just right. I say halleluyah! Do we see the depth of what this Sacred Book is all about...? Love! Your life! Now and forever! Through the scope of eternity that peers into the original letters of the written word that we are teaching of today... are true...! True, uncut, pure given by the real Maker of Souls? Yes! True love gives birth. I promise it's real and learning this doesn't hurt you, it's a good feeling... actually the greatest feeling you can have as you keep your respect at the same time. And we get the answers to our questions, maybe not in the way we might expect them to be. Now we have the words of original Hebrew to look at... yes, this is it, the Hebrews have held the science that has revealed the knowledge of Creation since the beginning of time. Are you ready to see it? Please do not let anyone hinder you from learning this information. It may be the one thing that helps you to see how to love others.
See the graphic here above... This is it. What the original text would have looked like. No spaces, No sentence spaces, all words running together. One big pile of letters on a page. It took someone to teach this to mankind in order for discernment to be accredited. Mankind has been blessed with great abilities, learning and the capacity of the mind is barely beginning to be fathomed with the advent of high technology and the computer sciences and the electron microscope. It is in great hope that you get and receive this information... it is vital to all life on Earth.
The proof is in the codes Did you read about the codes? If not I encourage you to read the page 1LANGUAGE:
Thank you for visiting this site. And I pray as this site be found upon the internet, may it be a place of great rest and joy for the readers and any wanting to learn of our Saviors' great person, His likeness, His True Living Word in the abundance He has for each and every one of us. We are all children of Yah... it's your decision which master you will choose... ?
I pray you choose wisely... choose Yashua for He is love.
Most of all, I pray that you are saved... in Yashua, AH-MEIN.
J. Lamberte, Ah-mein
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