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YAHUAH - Father
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This book, The HOUSE of SALVATION, is designed to help the believer and non-believer alike to learn of the irrefutable evidence that the book commonly called The HOLY BIBLE provides mankind (Original Sacred Hebrew only) about the origins of all people and why we exist.
This book, The HOUSE of SALVATION, is designed to help the believer and non-believer alike to learn of the irrefutable evidence that the book commonly called The HOLY BIBLE provides mankind (Original Sacred Hebrew only) about the origins of all people and why we exist.
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with our i-Rose
Eradicate Homelessness Challenge
with our i-Rose
Eradicate Homelessness Challenge
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Hi and welcome to the Official International Aleph Tau Ministries site. We hope you are having a blessed and amazing day in The Kingdom. Yes Kingdom! There is such a thing as "The Kingdom" and all of us on Earth (Eretz) and The Universe (all planets, stars, matter) are part of The Kingdom. This site is a place of enlightening information that can open your knowledge base of our Creator that sits beyond all comprehension and knowledge of life...
Continue reading to learn more...
We are a ministry of fact (not fiction), truth and answers. Hoping to inspire you to look deeper into our known reality, to explore life as we know it. This ministry and site is here to give everyone a chance to explore to their hearts delight and open dialogue without religious encumbrances or viewpoints that hinder your exploration into the ideas of a Creator. He is a benevolent, helpful, loving, kind being that wants what is best for you and all creatures on this planet, Earth (Eretz), or any other in The Universe. Peace, love and joy is what Aleph Tau Ministries is all about. There have been some really amazing bits of information handed to Aleph Tau Ministry, and it's with great pleasure that this information can be shared with you here on this site. Thank you for participating in a very exciting adventure...
Do you want answers?
I do want answers. Well?
You may have to do some digging after the answers are presented, but Aleph Tau Ministries are in hopes that such answers are straight forward and simple enough. That being said... Are you ready?
Question 1.)
Is there a Creator?
We will provide 3 basic bits of evidence.
1.) His Word in Hebrew. The Hebrew writings of Scripture combined into the volume of books known as the Tanakh (Old Covenant) and Brit Khadáshah (New Covenant), commonly known as The Holy Bible, provide an ample amount of evidence in themselves. As a mathematical experience that will boggle the mind in complexity, the deeper you get into the research, the more amazed you will become. The top 50 scientists in the world have said the evidence of intelligent design in the Scriptures is irrefutable, but they were not willing to accept it came from it's Author (the Creator); that was written by men, yes, but given by the Creator through Moses to the people.
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We will provide 3 basic bits of evidence.
1.) His Word in Hebrew. The Hebrew writings of Scripture combined into the volume of books known as the Tanakh (Old Covenant) and Brit Khadáshah (New Covenant), commonly known as The Holy Bible, provide an ample amount of evidence in themselves. As a mathematical experience that will boggle the mind in complexity, the deeper you get into the research, the more amazed you will become. The top 50 scientists in the world have said the evidence of intelligent design in the Scriptures is irrefutable, but they were not willing to accept it came from it's Author (the Creator); that was written by men, yes, but given by the Creator through Moses to the people.
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2.) The Arks have been found (Both of them). The Ark Of The Covenant and The Ark of Noah... one you can not touch while the other you can ride. Do you know which is which?
It was at the hands of Ron Wyatt of Tennessee that various archaeological explorations of the Israeli and Turkish regions according to Scripture were explored and artifacts which met the exact textual descriptions were found and revealed to the world. Many have worked to keep this information un-available to the public. Please feel free to go explore Ron Wyatt's website for amazing details. ronwyatt.com
NOTE: The page 2ARKS is about ark discoveries alone... ronwyatt.com is about many more Biblical discoveries.
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3.) The King is the evidence... through the one called The Son of God (Benai Ha EL-O-HEEM) or Yashua (Jesus). The facts have been proven. While some scholars debate on dates, the best test is in the original writings themselves, a super text wrought with formulas, letter skips, hidden messages from beyond, eternity and it's provable. You probably call Him Jesus? He is 'Yashua'... See proof:
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Homelessness is a very tough subject to consider when it comes to "hands on help" out in the streets of any city or town, especially when it comes to being in contact with others you may think have Covid-19, Omicron, or any other sub-variant. But here at Aleph Tau Ministries, we are truly out here helping souls in the streets via your donations. We couldn't do it without you!
With great determination and a "heap of faith," knowing that homeless people contact any illness less than anyone stuck indoors, especially during the height of the pandemic, gives some relief to feeding the needy with sack lunches and prayers. Our work here may never be done until the second coming of our Messiah but it is now that we are asking for "all" to help that are willing with personal time, donations of food, hygiene kits, tents, housing, vehicles, jobs and any charitable contributions. See our iRose to the challenge page for more details. alephtau.net/iRose.html We are a boots on the ground ministry...
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With great determination and a "heap of faith," knowing that homeless people contact any illness less than anyone stuck indoors, especially during the height of the pandemic, gives some relief to feeding the needy with sack lunches and prayers. Our work here may never be done until the second coming of our Messiah but it is now that we are asking for "all" to help that are willing with personal time, donations of food, hygiene kits, tents, housing, vehicles, jobs and any charitable contributions. See our iRose to the challenge page for more details. alephtau.net/iRose.html We are a boots on the ground ministry...
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Human trafficking
"In our eyes, human trafficking may be one of the most contemptuous sins known to mankind. May the ugly, gross practice of selling human beings for slavery, sex practices and whatever other masochistic behavior the devil and man could come up with, die forever! We are beings from our Creator, who magnificently stitched us together in our mothers’ wombs.
It is the saddest situation to find out a child (a son or daughter), or anyone of any age, skin color, creed, or kind, has been stolen, ripped from their family, and SOLD! I cannot imagine the grief-stricken mother (or entire families) crying their eyes and hearts out over their loss. Who will wreak the vengeance? Who will heal this brokenness?
This can break a heart in two, deprive a person of their will to live. Some family suicides are the result of the loss of a family member to human trafficking. Such tragedy!
What can be done about these types of atrocities? If you are beginning to believe in the Creator, now would be a good time to get on your knees and pray. Pray with us, “Oh Creator, El-o-heem, please take care to heal our land of this sick practice of human trafficking. The people of all countries on this planet are sickened by the sale of their own people. We need a great cleansing. May human trafficking be stopped NOW! May healing and deliverance from this act of brutality be so Right Now! May the rulers of these worldly governments have their blinders removed to do something to stop it! In Yashua, our Messiah’s name.
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It is the saddest situation to find out a child (a son or daughter), or anyone of any age, skin color, creed, or kind, has been stolen, ripped from their family, and SOLD! I cannot imagine the grief-stricken mother (or entire families) crying their eyes and hearts out over their loss. Who will wreak the vengeance? Who will heal this brokenness?
This can break a heart in two, deprive a person of their will to live. Some family suicides are the result of the loss of a family member to human trafficking. Such tragedy!
What can be done about these types of atrocities? If you are beginning to believe in the Creator, now would be a good time to get on your knees and pray. Pray with us, “Oh Creator, El-o-heem, please take care to heal our land of this sick practice of human trafficking. The people of all countries on this planet are sickened by the sale of their own people. We need a great cleansing. May human trafficking be stopped NOW! May healing and deliverance from this act of brutality be so Right Now! May the rulers of these worldly governments have their blinders removed to do something to stop it! In Yashua, our Messiah’s name.
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Terrorism & bullying
Terrorism and bullying is born out of a lack of education and a poor mental attitude on life. Not knowing who we are as people and adding to that life biases and poor upbringing. Being raised in such a way as to be a child of terror... causing bullying with others in life in general or more specific religious terrorizing i.e. in the name of their "God" is so sad! Such terrorizing is abhorrent to a peaceful co-existence like we so often see on bumperstickers "CO-EXIST" made of all the religious symbols of the world. Can we truly co-exist? Yes! Peace is attainable if you seek it whole heartedly. Peace is attainable in a bullying heart "if" that heart can be reached. Sometimes with minors, even, this adventure into peace can be very difficult and with adults even more so. How can true change take effect? The power of prayer. Most atheists, agnostics, and non-believers alike may find this approach as "hogwash" but if you take a step back and think of how well do you know your own "Spirit"? Who is to tell wicked people how to stop this terrorism and bullying? Is it as simple as saying: "Bullying - terrorist just go away!" If you, yourself, have not taken the steps to know your own heart any better... no evil will leave you. The seeds of wickedness are just going to laugh at you without the strength and the power that only comes from above to reckon with these dark forces. It is the great hope of Aleph Tau Ministries that you begin your steps to faith and start asking the harder questions of yourself in order to rid these towns, states, countries and world of terrorism & bullying. May it be so among us all. "If" you can pray, then pray for our ever loving souls.
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animal cruelty
Animal cruelty is unspeakable to the happy healthy people of this world. Being cruel to any animal, whether it be a dog, a cat, or a snake for that matter, is flat out disgusting. Which is why Aleph Tau Ministries has taken this up as one of our causes. "Love thy animal as you love thyself" should be one of the Ten Command-ments. If we can add an amendment, let this be one.
We have seen more horrid things done to pets and other animals than ever before on planet Earth. This needs to stop! Cruel and unusual actions against the most innocent creatures made on our Maker’s green Earth is nothing short of sick...
How do people sleep at night, knowing they are part of a system that euthanizes the overgrowing animal population, according to "the pound." It makes me wonder about humanity. Let them roam. If there is the thought of taking the lives of wild dogs or cats, we should repent!
Have you ever been in a cage? Waiting each day for a new family to adopt you? It must ache their poor little hearts so much to see others leave while you are too old or too big to be adopted. We saw a video recently from the dog's perspective in time lapse where the dog is passed by ... repeatedly, day after day after day. It was just so heart breaking!
But the idea that the very same pet could be adopted by someone that would just chain them to a tree for days on end is almost as unthinkable. If you cannot afford some love or time in your day to play and have a little fun with your pet, DO NOT ADOPT! But if you can, take the dog that no one else wants and make a home for a needy pet.
The deeper problem is cruelty to animals in general - hunting a beautiful, majestic mountain lion or a grizzly bear. Or hunting an elk for meat. The old method of hunting for a living is no longer necessary when all you need to do is go to the market to survive. The end of hunting these amazing creatures that don't need any form of population control is the hope of this ministry.
There are hunting companies that have their North American safaris, hunting native animals in the wild for "sport." Hunting endangered wildlife is among the most sick and cruel ideas people can have. No creature likes getting hunted. So, if you pray at all, please pray with us: Dear Creator of all things living, please help us protect your beautiful creatures from man-made institutions of slaughter. Protect your majestic wild animals from these sport poachers and unnecessary hunters, who take the lives of animals you made for our pleasure, via your creative heart, to enjoy instead of kill. Help the good souls reach out and be brave enough to help make a change in the people that would dare harm one of your animals.
In Yahshua our Messiah... "AH-MEIN"
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We have seen more horrid things done to pets and other animals than ever before on planet Earth. This needs to stop! Cruel and unusual actions against the most innocent creatures made on our Maker’s green Earth is nothing short of sick...
How do people sleep at night, knowing they are part of a system that euthanizes the overgrowing animal population, according to "the pound." It makes me wonder about humanity. Let them roam. If there is the thought of taking the lives of wild dogs or cats, we should repent!
Have you ever been in a cage? Waiting each day for a new family to adopt you? It must ache their poor little hearts so much to see others leave while you are too old or too big to be adopted. We saw a video recently from the dog's perspective in time lapse where the dog is passed by ... repeatedly, day after day after day. It was just so heart breaking!
But the idea that the very same pet could be adopted by someone that would just chain them to a tree for days on end is almost as unthinkable. If you cannot afford some love or time in your day to play and have a little fun with your pet, DO NOT ADOPT! But if you can, take the dog that no one else wants and make a home for a needy pet.
The deeper problem is cruelty to animals in general - hunting a beautiful, majestic mountain lion or a grizzly bear. Or hunting an elk for meat. The old method of hunting for a living is no longer necessary when all you need to do is go to the market to survive. The end of hunting these amazing creatures that don't need any form of population control is the hope of this ministry.
There are hunting companies that have their North American safaris, hunting native animals in the wild for "sport." Hunting endangered wildlife is among the most sick and cruel ideas people can have. No creature likes getting hunted. So, if you pray at all, please pray with us: Dear Creator of all things living, please help us protect your beautiful creatures from man-made institutions of slaughter. Protect your majestic wild animals from these sport poachers and unnecessary hunters, who take the lives of animals you made for our pleasure, via your creative heart, to enjoy instead of kill. Help the good souls reach out and be brave enough to help make a change in the people that would dare harm one of your animals.
In Yahshua our Messiah... "AH-MEIN"
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Drug alcohol & tobacco addictions
Drug, alcohol, and tobacco addictions are plagues upon the people of this planet, and yet, sad as it is, many consider drugs, liquor, and cigarettes to be their very best friends. The meaning of life was obscured the moment any of us said, “Yeah, let me try it.” That one chance to turn around and run for the betterment of your heart, soul, and mind – gone forever!
The “pure, happy, healthy you” just kicked yourself in the rear end, screaming, “STOP! You can stop! Don’t inhale it, please! I beg you, don’t take that pill! That shot of liquor is about to take your life! Don’t do it! You are smarter than that! Don’t join the foolish!”
I hope that never was you, being torn in two over the good person you should be and the drug addict sickness you’ve become. I hope you would have the courage to say, “Please, come pick me up, take me to some place nice, and help me to stop getting high.” It is so hard when we are too late for our own good. We go, sick as can be, when our best friend keeps calling us names, dragging us into darker days, like lemmings falling over the ledge or as sheep going to the slaughter.
When do we realize we are at the bottom of ourselves? Look up, and call for help unto the Maker, where our help comes from. Seek your heart and feel deep; I know you can feel the Maker within you. I hope it is right now! Call upon our Creator. Call with your voice, out loud! It can even be a whisper; it doesn’t matter how loud. Just call to Yahuah, in the name of Yahshua, and wait. See what happens to your life when Ruawk (the Spirit), answers in your heart, “I am going to help you. Your healing is here.”
The paramedic soon comes to pick you up. Like the medic alert device around the neck of the elderly that can’t call 911 on their own; like that button, your voice can do all the work you need. Just speak from your heart and soul and watch what will happen in your life!
Healing will come. When it does, remember to thank El-o-heem (God) for the greatest thing that’s happened in your life since you took that puff as a teenager or that first swig of alcohol behind your parents’ back.
Whatever country you live in, your family will thank you, your friends will be proud of you, and the town will not have to write another obituary for the paper, because you have made the right choice to turn your life around. That is what is called “repentance,” to turn 180 degrees from the wrong way and walk into what is right. But don’t just walk – run to the “right” in your life! Go as fast as you can. Push yourself as hard as you can.
Add prayer to your life, which simply means to have a conversation with God. Add the laying on of hands, which simply means to have prayer warriors be there for you, to help you push for your healing and deliverance from the Righteous One, the King of Kings.
Do you know the King? He is real! He is the Deliverer from our pains, sicknesses, and maladies, which include tobacco, alcohol, and drug addictions of all kinds. Nothing is too great for ELOHEEM!
With great love and kindness may your total healing and delivery be RIGHT NOW!
"AH-MEIN" & deliverance
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The “pure, happy, healthy you” just kicked yourself in the rear end, screaming, “STOP! You can stop! Don’t inhale it, please! I beg you, don’t take that pill! That shot of liquor is about to take your life! Don’t do it! You are smarter than that! Don’t join the foolish!”
I hope that never was you, being torn in two over the good person you should be and the drug addict sickness you’ve become. I hope you would have the courage to say, “Please, come pick me up, take me to some place nice, and help me to stop getting high.” It is so hard when we are too late for our own good. We go, sick as can be, when our best friend keeps calling us names, dragging us into darker days, like lemmings falling over the ledge or as sheep going to the slaughter.
When do we realize we are at the bottom of ourselves? Look up, and call for help unto the Maker, where our help comes from. Seek your heart and feel deep; I know you can feel the Maker within you. I hope it is right now! Call upon our Creator. Call with your voice, out loud! It can even be a whisper; it doesn’t matter how loud. Just call to Yahuah, in the name of Yahshua, and wait. See what happens to your life when Ruawk (the Spirit), answers in your heart, “I am going to help you. Your healing is here.”
The paramedic soon comes to pick you up. Like the medic alert device around the neck of the elderly that can’t call 911 on their own; like that button, your voice can do all the work you need. Just speak from your heart and soul and watch what will happen in your life!
Healing will come. When it does, remember to thank El-o-heem (God) for the greatest thing that’s happened in your life since you took that puff as a teenager or that first swig of alcohol behind your parents’ back.
Whatever country you live in, your family will thank you, your friends will be proud of you, and the town will not have to write another obituary for the paper, because you have made the right choice to turn your life around. That is what is called “repentance,” to turn 180 degrees from the wrong way and walk into what is right. But don’t just walk – run to the “right” in your life! Go as fast as you can. Push yourself as hard as you can.
Add prayer to your life, which simply means to have a conversation with God. Add the laying on of hands, which simply means to have prayer warriors be there for you, to help you push for your healing and deliverance from the Righteous One, the King of Kings.
Do you know the King? He is real! He is the Deliverer from our pains, sicknesses, and maladies, which include tobacco, alcohol, and drug addictions of all kinds. Nothing is too great for ELOHEEM!
With great love and kindness may your total healing and delivery be RIGHT NOW!
"AH-MEIN" & deliverance
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LGBTQIA restoration
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/Questioning, Intersex, and Asexual are each a unique and individual set of human choices that are currently presented in societies across the globe. This is a very current topic of discussion in the United States of America. These subjects, for many generations and until recently, have been considered taboo or talked about behind closed doors. Not until the latest Presidential terms have there been open doors in the media and public awareness campaigns to help the people that have been unaware of these concerns to be more awake to the needs and experiences of people born into and living with these sexual conditions.
When we look at the deep origin issues of this behavior and psychological make up, we see that there is a very ancient subjugation, which is truly an invention of Satanic pressures upon humankind. Without knowing or being educated about these malfunctions of humanity and our true purpose on Earth, it becomes very arduous to explain these concerns to those afflicted with these maladies or modifiers, genetically speaking.
Most who are living the homosexual lifestyle, those born with physical defects or the .05% (according to Google) of the population that are experiencing a social malady, are not born actual hermaphrodites.
Once in a school, a very young female, who had a male organ where normally was only female genitalia (pudenda), somehow was discovered. She felt so much inner shame and low self-worth, she was not sure if she was a boy or a girl. Assuring her of her true worth, she was asked a quick question: "Tell us from your heart, what do you feel you are, a boy or a girl?" In tears she responded, "A girl." The proper actions could then be taken to reassure the young female that one day she would not have to carry this 'extra luggage' with her. “Until that day comes, you keep on being a beautiful girl. Now, does that make you happy?” "Yes" she said and went on her merry way.
So, how do souls that are never taught their true origins and never learn who our Creator is, ever have any concept of self-worth or actual value if everyone is too afraid to approach this subject because of backlash or even possible altercations from those of the LGBTQIA community? If you are truly who you say you are and can prove it, then don't be a spineless jellyfish. Stand up for what you believe and tell someone about your Creationism experience. An LGBTQIA person would probably respect and appreciate someone who is true to their beliefs, is being strong in their convictions, telling them straight forward information about exactly how The Creator moved upon them and how they were reborn, so that no matter what, they could speak their testimony.
And above all... be honest 'but' first of all pray because we are created beings and we must be striving to live up to the standards of our Creator.
"AH-MEIN" & SHALOM in the hunt for restoration.
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When we look at the deep origin issues of this behavior and psychological make up, we see that there is a very ancient subjugation, which is truly an invention of Satanic pressures upon humankind. Without knowing or being educated about these malfunctions of humanity and our true purpose on Earth, it becomes very arduous to explain these concerns to those afflicted with these maladies or modifiers, genetically speaking.
Most who are living the homosexual lifestyle, those born with physical defects or the .05% (according to Google) of the population that are experiencing a social malady, are not born actual hermaphrodites.
Once in a school, a very young female, who had a male organ where normally was only female genitalia (pudenda), somehow was discovered. She felt so much inner shame and low self-worth, she was not sure if she was a boy or a girl. Assuring her of her true worth, she was asked a quick question: "Tell us from your heart, what do you feel you are, a boy or a girl?" In tears she responded, "A girl." The proper actions could then be taken to reassure the young female that one day she would not have to carry this 'extra luggage' with her. “Until that day comes, you keep on being a beautiful girl. Now, does that make you happy?” "Yes" she said and went on her merry way.
So, how do souls that are never taught their true origins and never learn who our Creator is, ever have any concept of self-worth or actual value if everyone is too afraid to approach this subject because of backlash or even possible altercations from those of the LGBTQIA community? If you are truly who you say you are and can prove it, then don't be a spineless jellyfish. Stand up for what you believe and tell someone about your Creationism experience. An LGBTQIA person would probably respect and appreciate someone who is true to their beliefs, is being strong in their convictions, telling them straight forward information about exactly how The Creator moved upon them and how they were reborn, so that no matter what, they could speak their testimony.
And above all... be honest 'but' first of all pray because we are created beings and we must be striving to live up to the standards of our Creator.
"AH-MEIN" & SHALOM in the hunt for restoration.
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Loneliness is such a touching subject... because it can effect all of us. Even those of us who have many friends. We will all have to answer our Maker in the end with our own reasons for why we did not heed to the calling to make friends. While there is no guarantee we will ever make a friend or have a good soul that we can depend on through thick and thin to be here for us, it's the hope of Aleph Tau Ministries that you make a good friend. So if you are alone in life I hope that you can deal with your loneliness in a positive and productive way then try and make a new friend today. If not may you soon meet some one that you truly like, and if it's just someone to talk to, a nice person and maybe a stranger that you feel comfortable talking to... it's with great hope this ministry helps that happen. Maybe that stranger can be one of your great friends one day. We are all born of a Mother & Father and besides those two people, who could possibly care for us more? It should be true if your parents are well adjusted, happy folks that can take to you as they should, loving you, cuddling you, feeding you, changing your diapers... doing all the good things a parent should so that you have a good chance at being a happy normal healthy being loved and adored. From the year we are born, the dash we live in between, to the year we pass away we can only hope for a good friend or two. It is said if you can count your true good friends on one hand you are blessed. If we find a companion, a really good person, who truly loves us and maybe even spends a little life together with... it is a true miracle. Especially for the lonely that truly have no one. Some may never meet a soul in their entire life that befriends them, spends great precious time with, have fun with, have great times with and make great memories with. Do you think you feel like taking up your personal time helping to get to know a stranger? You may never get out and do that but it's in hopes that all that read this get an urge to make just one more friend. That new friendship could save a life... You never know, do you? Today while listening to a very old song called "Nature boy" it was so strong in the Spirit to spread the concept of love... if you ever hear it sung you will know what is being said here: "The greatest thing that you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return"...... So with a positive push in strong prayer do we go in faith to make new friends... not just acquaintances but real true friends. And most of all is our real "true eternal friend" Yahshua our Messiah, The King of Kings, who, once you accept Him will never leave you noir forsake you... who could find a better friend than that? None compares to The King, especially if you are imprisoned, locked away where no one has the ability to befriend you whatsoever... so, our Savior is our one true closest companion and best of friends always... no one knows you better than our Maker. May you make real true friends in life so you never have to be lonely and feel immensely loved.
"AH-MEIN" & togetherness...
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"AH-MEIN" & togetherness...
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Govt. deception
Govt. deception just can not be... and as we think about such matters in the United States and abroad, what type of governing bodies are we talking about? To remember such statements by those in authority over us like one of our founding fathers, George Washington, for example: "I can not tell a lie" When speaking to his father when questioned as a boy "I did chop down the cherry tree." As little George responded to his father's inquest about why his poor cherry tree was laying upon the ground. Yet it was not a lie, it was something he did against the will of his father but it could of been a very good campaign slogan for the "truth" and a "word trickery" when running for office. Being on this subject of deception that can present itself in very cunning ways, is what we are doing our very best to strive against and rid ourselves of. Aleph Tau Ministries is vigilant to spread the actual truth when it comes to rulers and their lies. What you know about the world governments and the origins of powers, rulers, and dominions established on this planet may be your view from within a tax structure or a job structure and your only job is to accept the delivery of monies, paychecks and your very livelihood that depends on the existence of a government as honest, straightforward and truthful. Even if you end up broke, penniless, jobless and then homeless, which we pray against also... learning of the "bigger picture" will only help further your walk into your own reality and the right perspective. Because who wants to be lied to or deceived? No one! No one wants to willfully be lied to noir deceived. Yet the very core of the word govern-ment is about mind control, "govern" means control and "ment" means mind. So if your government in your country is like the one in The United States that is set up as a government for the people by the people then at it's pure function we can not have deception or "mind-control" because who would build a system to control their own mind? Thinking? Way of life? No honest, well adjusted, good thinking soul who truly cares for their own life would deceive themselves. So who is among us that would deceive us? Is it possible there has been a deceiver amongst us all throughout time that has been building ways to control and deceive the good souls of this world all along? Existing right under our noses, living under a cloak of darkness and shadows for the millenia that humans have existed? It is very likely and very possible that the wicked one that was doing work at the very beginning of time that got removed from the realm of the kingdom as described in Scripture has been with us all along on this very planet? But where is this being? Read the Scripture and you will see. Pray for all souls of this world and find your way to the truth... and life will be a joy for you and all your family. As Scripture tells us: "Rebuke the devil and he will flee from you." It's just that simple.
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Police brutality is another action that should not exist but does. It is one of the causes easily corrected with just a small amount of police training. It does call for greater self-control on the behalf of the police force, but it also requires your participation, your righteousness. We will always have criminals to the very end. However, if you are able to exhibit self-control, then less police officers will be on patrol and potentially less "police brutality."
Look at an average man: when someone swings at him with their fists, as in an attack, that average man is going to defend himself. As of now, if a police officer swings at you, they immediately expect you to "STAND DOWN." Standing down from any brute force is not a natural activity; it is a basic instinct to defend yourself.
Sweetness, compassion, gentleness, and kindness are the keys to getting the right result in both directions when it comes to handling brute force. If you express "true kindness" to a person and speak with a kind voice to a fellow human, it can soothe the “vicious beast.” As the Bible says, a kind word does turn away wrath.
This will work towards an officer or from an officer to you. It works both ways. "Hello ma'am/sir? How are you doing this evening?" will work wonders at the outset of a possible confrontation. Speaking a little more softly than your average tone of voice can yield great results. Try this method and better results are assured from sea to shining sea, in any country.
May we strive for peace in any form of government, in your hometown or in any country throughout our world. Pray for it...
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Look at an average man: when someone swings at him with their fists, as in an attack, that average man is going to defend himself. As of now, if a police officer swings at you, they immediately expect you to "STAND DOWN." Standing down from any brute force is not a natural activity; it is a basic instinct to defend yourself.
Sweetness, compassion, gentleness, and kindness are the keys to getting the right result in both directions when it comes to handling brute force. If you express "true kindness" to a person and speak with a kind voice to a fellow human, it can soothe the “vicious beast.” As the Bible says, a kind word does turn away wrath.
This will work towards an officer or from an officer to you. It works both ways. "Hello ma'am/sir? How are you doing this evening?" will work wonders at the outset of a possible confrontation. Speaking a little more softly than your average tone of voice can yield great results. Try this method and better results are assured from sea to shining sea, in any country.
May we strive for peace in any form of government, in your hometown or in any country throughout our world. Pray for it...
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Diseases: cancer, heart attacks, strokes or any illness no matter how major or minor, these are all able to be healed by our Creator, Chief Physician. But these things take faith, we must have faith in order for healing to take place. And in the Word it tells us that by His stripes we are healed. Read: Isaiah 53:5, “But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; The chastisement for our peace was upon Him, And by His stripes, we are healed.” It should be that simple for me to pray out loud and have any disease or any sickness or any illness or anything that needs healing be so within our bodies. Speak the stripes that our Savior took upon His back and then we are healed. This may sound strange to any non-believer, atheist or agnostic reading about this cause but we are here to help people like yourself to comprehend know and accept salvation so you can see for yourself with your own eyes miracles at work in your life and those around you. Like a woman that was once diagnosed with stage four cancer not knowing that she only had a few months to live felt the pain signals but had been ignoring all the signs. Now terminal she never really faced ideas of Heaven or Hell not standing for religion or ever really thinking about God and the idea that this being everyone speaks of dying for our sins being our eternal salvation or healer never really came across her screen. Yet now she's faced with these issues looking, wondering if it's real or not. Hoping with all her heart she could somehow be healed she had gone to get extensive testing, MRI's, CAT scans, blood-work and was about to consider a transfusion when she began her chemotherapy. She thought the pain from it was going to kill her alone so much aching and agony she would scream while and after the chemo was being done to her. She said she never felt so many aches, pain and vomiting. Her cancer had spread to her lymph nodes and the Doctors gave her a few days to live.. life looked bleak, and then she felt a gumption... something in her heart moved her. If she could get up and run she would have. Instead she felt she had to pray. And when she did something inside her told her that she had been healed, she felt the removal of everything that had been wrong with her her sickness cured, clean and renewed… a miracle! How is this possible she thought? And right then she spoke out of her mouth asking... Who are you Creator? Who are you that could heal me? And then in her heart she knew that there was a Savior the King that died upon the cross and Maker of all Heavens & the Earth that helped her that day. They tested her, tested her blood gave her an MRI her body was clean clean of cancer or any disease or illness or sickness and she lived a long full happy blessed and productive life. Maybe you too can consider the cause of helping souls come unto our Savior help us here at Aleph Tau Ministries so that we can all be about our Creators business. Pray and pray for healing now...
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gang violence of any kind
Gang violence of any kind is an abhorrent activity in any country, state, city or town. Gang violence can come from a variety of levels including elite corporations. We all hope that there is a reduction of gang violence in the cities, but what about gang violence in the upper management level. There have been companies that have employees with poor management skills that do not know how to treat their employees. Corporations conducting illegal activities and if they were exposed the government would shut them down. Some of these government run institutions themselves have a police force and are using it like a gang to stop people from accessing their illegal activities... it's a very difficult thing to stop. So we hope for unprecedented kindness that can begin to open doors to souls that are stuck in positions that are asking youngsters and anyone involved to do a gang like action to be set free. Some that read this are the leaders of gangs and would laugh at the idea of turning themselves around or repenting from their wicked doings and controlling those that they are in power over. But this change of heart is exactly what this ministry is about. It's very important to be kind to one another. It is so important to be kind to one another to speak kind words to show that you care and when it comes to gang violence, much like bullying, there is a control that comes about where another person tries to control another (Sick!). It's all about power and one person having more power than another and someone being unusually cruel to another and especially if they are unable to defend themselves that this horrible gang mentality takes a hold of like a disease. Can gang violence ever end? Yes gang violence will end and like the end of all things on Earth as we know it... men will come against the Creator Himself at the end of time. It's almost unbelievable but read: Revelation 19:19: And I saw the beast, and the kings of the Earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against Him that sat on the horse, and against His army. Sad as it is but there will be gang violence till the end of time, yet as of now when there are the small gangs that we can pray against. Great is the power of prayer, let us pray together over them that they (gangs of any kind) might be halted.
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Shut-ins must be brought the light of the Word... this must be a boots on the ground action taking ministry and for us to reach the un-reachable souls that no one can see hear from or even know exist we must find via the Holy Spirit. So for those that can believe in a Creator and ask in prayer ... help us do that... Pray! So that we can find the people that no one can find. That only the Holy Spirit knows where to locate and help us to reach out to them. People that don't ever get to see the light of day that are elders stuck in a facility or not very well taken care of in a home or aren't able to physically get outside. An elder that would just love the visitation of one kind soul that would come read them some Scripture. Someone that might get paid by this ministry to take a day off of work to go and spend time with shut-ins. Visiting shut-ins would be the most beneficial thing you could do in this cause... to be the warm hands, a kind smile and a sweet soul right there and present for them. Get your masks and let's go... pray for guidance and either come be a part of this or donate to this cause and help us financially take care of the shut-ins. Pray strong for this cause...
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Please donate to this cause.
child or elder abuse
Child or elder abuse are the worst kind of abuse humans can be caught in the act of committing. Hope you see fit to work with us to rid the Earth of such atrocious behavior. Commitment to pray for your own heart to be restored kind and open to help when hurt is headed in the direction of a child or elder. Being open and receptive to be a solid rock in the world able and ready to stand in the face of danger towards the elders and innocent babies that need your special love and grace that only comes from above. Let the giving grace of Messiah open to you and let you see and realize the strength and mission of spreading safety and help to those that must be protected from wickedness of the devils in this world. Amen to your kind efforts to help here. True love and caring be applied here... deep thanks for your giving to this cause.
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Please help us and donate to this cause.
costly surgeries
Costly surgeries are also a plague upon humankind... like the disease itself robbing humans of their health and well being. Doctors charging exorbitant prices for their procedures is no better than a heinous crime. Like an illness that should be stamped out it is the desire of this ministry to see miraculous healings and true wellness brought to the forefront of our faith. Like the impossible made possible in the stories of Scripture from the first miracle of turning water into wine to the last miracle of resurrection and beyond ascending to the throne. As we can ponder such great things written in Scripture... can they actually be attained? Is reliance upon Doctors for our healing right to do at all? The argument will always exist until the return of our Messiah, our Chief Physician, but we are to remain vigilant in our faith. For those that are atheists, agnostics or non-believers reading this for the first time.... this site is about the proof and evidence of our Creator and helping the World to see that we are created beings not to be taken advantage of by the worlds' system of things. So it is in great hope that you too who are tired of costly surgeries to take up the banner with us and fight against the high costs of hospitalization and Doctor price gouging. Thank you for your support in this cause against costly surgeries.
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military cleansing
Military cleansing is such an important issue in our society. Where men and women coming back from battle either bloody or not, their hearts, hands, minds and conscience need cleansing from the every day battles training and brainwashing inflicted upon them. Blood or death that can be so prevalent in military trained minds as brainwashing i.e. : a method that can be so often applied to military service personnel of many nations. Who of you among us have learned that cleansing is necessary? This military cleansing is written of in Scripture:
See Numbers 13:19-21
“Any of you who has killed anyone or touched any of the dead, remain outside the camp for seven days; purify yourselves and your captives on the third day, and on the seventh day. 20 You must purify each garment and everything that is made of skin, everything made of goats’ hair, and everything made of wood.” 21 Then Eleazar the priest said to the men of war who had gone into the battle, “This is the ordinance of the law that the Lord commanded Moses:
So cleansing is necessary in order to return unto the people and be able to go before The Maker. We are all filthy beings that remain dirty until we have given our lives unto our Creator through the sacrifice of The King Yashua. This example of cleansing outside the camp was a physical actual thing the Hebrews did before returning from battles. This ministry hopes to see such deployed in every military branch across the globe. Support this physical peaceful cleansing and wellness in the military of your country and all countries across this planet needs great healing here.
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See Numbers 13:19-21
“Any of you who has killed anyone or touched any of the dead, remain outside the camp for seven days; purify yourselves and your captives on the third day, and on the seventh day. 20 You must purify each garment and everything that is made of skin, everything made of goats’ hair, and everything made of wood.” 21 Then Eleazar the priest said to the men of war who had gone into the battle, “This is the ordinance of the law that the Lord commanded Moses:
So cleansing is necessary in order to return unto the people and be able to go before The Maker. We are all filthy beings that remain dirty until we have given our lives unto our Creator through the sacrifice of The King Yashua. This example of cleansing outside the camp was a physical actual thing the Hebrews did before returning from battles. This ministry hopes to see such deployed in every military branch across the globe. Support this physical peaceful cleansing and wellness in the military of your country and all countries across this planet needs great healing here.
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What is the
aleph tau?
The Aleph Tau is the fourth word of the ancient Paleo original text of Scripture (Holy Bible, Torah, Tanakh, Brit Kadashah or Old and New Covenants). What would have been the fourth word of the book of Genesis (Bereshith) if the translators and copyists had translated the word per word writings as they first were given unto mankind. The Aleph is the first letter in the Paleo Hebrew Alephbeth and the Tau is the last letter of the Paleo Hebrew Alephbeth. Aleph also means Leader and Tau also means Cross... so put the two letters together and you have Leader next to the Cross. The Leader on the Cross is defined in the selfless sacrifice of Yashua upon His Cross. The equivalent in your English "Holy Bible" is The Alpha and Omega found in the book of Revelation written by John the Revelator....
Also: The word, ALEPH-TAU (AT), pronounced "ayth" like the number "eight" is written thousands of times in the original (Old and New Covenant) Scripture (10,595 times total) but left out of all modern translations... May The Aleph Tau be restored! Pray for restoration in the Word and in your life!
Also: The word, ALEPH-TAU (AT), pronounced "ayth" like the number "eight" is written thousands of times in the original (Old and New Covenant) Scripture (10,595 times total) but left out of all modern translations... May The Aleph Tau be restored! Pray for restoration in the Word and in your life!
Here below the Aleph Tau is un-translated:
Here below the Aleph Tau is restored! :
Love to know you are interested in helping Aleph Tau Ministries restore Scripture... Consider donating to us and let us know of your efforts: Touch/Click on the Donate button below then e-mail us at yashua@alephtau.net and let us know amount donated.
Any amount is appreciated:
RED: $20 gets you an art print
SILVER: $50 gets you an Aleph Tau Ministries shirt
GOLD: $100 and up gets you a lesson packet, shirt and hat
Any amount is appreciated:
RED: $20 gets you an art print
SILVER: $50 gets you an Aleph Tau Ministries shirt
GOLD: $100 and up gets you a lesson packet, shirt and hat
Most of all Aleph Tau Ministries desires that you have accepted salvation through faith. Yes, just believe in Him. Have the faith of a little child, He asks. Yes, the Creator is real and the world needs saving. If you are not saved and would like to be... may it be just as simple as asking out loud or a tiny whisper for Him to live in your heart.
Get on your knees right now and ask Him.
"Dear Savior, Yashua, please save me!"
Ask Him into your heart right now and be saved.
Then learn how to live in love for The King, our Creator.
And 'ALWAYS' remember our motto:
COMMANDMENT 8 : "DO NOT STEAL" : These praying hands below are copyrighted ©2025 ATM.
COMMANDMENT 8 : "DO NOT STEAL" : These praying hands above are copyrighted ©2025 ATM.
If interested in having your own $20.00 print of this hand signed anointed art of HOPE & PRAYER above please use the 'Buy Now' button below then e-mail us at yashua@alephtau.net and let us know of your purchase.
If interested in having your own $20.00 print of this hand signed anointed art of HOPE & PRAYER above please use the 'Buy Now' button below then e-mail us at yashua@alephtau.net and let us know of your purchase.
Have a blessed day in The Kingdom!
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